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Dear Users,

During the past couple of days, we have upgraded our server hardware (ie high performance, high available Dell PowerEdge Servers) to keep up with the increasing traffic to our ever growing website.

This will ensure that users will be able to continue to make use of the many useful services provided on our website for all to benefit.

We also took this opportunity to upgrade all our server configuration and software to the latest version to ensure that they continue to function flawlessly. And ensured our Members Online website is own on a server by itself.

The transfers have been completed yesterday. Noticed only a few minor issues which I have corrected as I tested the website. So everything should be working fine now. If you do face any problems, feel free to e-mail support@geomancy.net.

Hope you enjoy the upgrades.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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