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Dear Master Lee,

I have an office dilema. I hope this post will include a .bmp for clarification. Entry is due west, rear exit due east, fire place(fp) is on east wall painted low key blue with white trim. Husband is strong water element I am strong wood, both TUI home period 7. my office is in the southeast sector facing northwest, the circular desk is anchored to south wallwith a 2 drawer lateralblack metal file andhas a top hutch that blocks the view to the door. (I am still trying to find out if I have any mountain or luck stars to activate, but quite confused on that issue.)Window on south wall and on east wall in office. I have placed2 unframed mirrors with gold trim side by side on a low bookcase upon which has a faux stone water fountain against the north wall in this room.It stills feels uncomfortable(irritation sector). I have reviewed my paid reports for insight. I've had an unlucky period in my career ( interior design) and husband just went back to work after a year of cancer rehabilitation. He sits with his back to the rear door near the fireplace facing southwest when at home- I am worried about this although he has completely recovered and seems to feel comfortable in his spot. I need to jump start my career and refocus my efforts. Should I place a plant in back of me, remove the hutch on top of the desk? Does the computer add toomuch metal energy that should be balanced otherwise? Or maybe move the entire office to the guest room in the south sector with one window on the south wall? Hope is out there-your help is greatly appreciated.


Monique Smith

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