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Hello. My eating area has 7 MS, 7 WS & 3 Period Star with the 9 annual. I have a tabletop fountain here but upon analyzing this area, I assumed the 9 fire burns the 3 wood, at the same time the 7 metal also neutralizes the 3 wood. Is the water therefore not required here?
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  • Staff

Hi Cindy,

Firstly, the yearly or annual stars only effect the sector for the current year. Once the year is over the influence will be gone or changed. So I won't be too concern over this star 9 given that it isn't a potentially star to worry about (unlike star 2 or 5).

The water feature is good because it will create a five element flow:-

7 - Metal, Fountain - Water, Star 3 Wood. Which makes Metal -

Water - Wood element flow. Such a combination often is more ideal then just a single element cure as each element enforces itself to create harmony.

Given the year star is 9 - Fire. This will make the flow even stronger:-

Metal -

Water -
Wood -

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 4/6/2005 9:28:36 PM, Anonymous wrote:

Hello. My eating area has 7

MS, 7 WS & 3 Period Star

with the 9 annual. I have a

tabletop fountain here but

upon analyzing this area, I

assumed the 9 fire burns the 3

wood, at the same time the 7

metal also neutralizes the 3

wood. Is the water therefore

not required here?

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