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Hello, I have moved into a new home, it's Period 7 house (S2) and have brought many plants with me. My living room areas are the S & SW, kitchen is N & NW. I can't seem to place them in an appropriate place as I do not want to destroy the 8WS & 8 MS yet wouldn't wood neutralize the 2 star?
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Dear Cindy,

CindyLu Who wrote:
Hello, I have moved into a new home, it's Period 7 house (S2) and have brought many plants with me. My living room areas are the S & SW, kitchen is N & NW. I can't seem to place them in an appropriate place as I do not want to destroy the 8WS & 8 MS yet wouldn't wood neutralize the 2 star?

Generally, plants are always good in terms of feng shui. Most of the time most plants if any should be placed in the garden or balcony area. This is practical for it makes it easy to maintain and well as create a very nice garden environment for the balcony area which is extremely pleasing to look when you look from the living room area.

Some plants within the home is also acceptable especially in living room, study room, corridor, kitchen, yard area. Plants in bedroom area for example won't be advisable as plants will also fight for oxygen at night. So it is never advisable to place plants in the bedroom.

I think you don't have to worry about plants being considered as destroying Earth. If you look at plants which is wood by default. Also contains Water elementand Earth element. So it is not all wood element element if you look at it from this point inview. Frankly,this itself won't create a big problem of addingsay too much wood which destroy Earth element.Notat least when you consideronly one or two plants.But if you intendto fill the room with lots of plants, than that will be different story. One or two plants will not create an issue.

Let's look at it in another way, it would probably be even more worrysome if you think about most wooden furniture which represents wood. Won'tthat have more concern than plants?

Sometimes we look at it from the point of view of colours (which is best way to represent element influence in the room),as well as quantity. Does the plant for example cover more than 33.3% of the room? If not then it will not create any impact to thebalance of harmony within the sector.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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