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Dear Anon,

I'm so sorry for your loss. Please accept my sincere condolences.

Anonymous wrote:
I have been in a deep depression since the death of my mother; we were great friendsI attended to all her needs. My grief and depression have prevented me from going on with my life.

It is definately hard to lose a love one and frankly only time can heal your wound. The closer you are to the person, the longer it will take to get over it.

The only thing you can do now is try to be in company with your other relatives or friends. Talking about it will help you slowly get over or accept the fact. Yes, probably inititally you will cry or feel sad about it, let it all out. Once you do, you will find at a point, you won't feel like crying any more because you have already cried enough. This is a form of healing process itself.

In terms of like religion (ie christian). Try to think that your mother has gone to a better place, no more suffering etc. All these will help you get over the loss.

Probably take some time off maybe go on a holiday with your other love ones etc. Just to get away from things/places that might remind you about your mother. Give yourself sometime to get over the issue. As mentioned, it will not be easy but at least a change in environment, will take your mind off the issue.

If necessary seek a professonal help tomaybe give you some medicine to help you cope with the depression. However, the best cure is to spend timeother family members, go out etc.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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