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Hi Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
If you have small creekback of your house or source of water feature in front of your house.Does itmakes any difference which way water flow isgood orbad?

Yes, the flow of any water feature is important. This is why there is the shapes and form concept about Water Courses. See this link for some details:-

URL: http://www.geomancy.net/resources/theories/fs-wcourse.htm

For example, even if you put an external water feature, it is good if the flow of the water is flowing into the house rather than outside of the house. Water flow out of the house means your wealth leaking out, while a water flow into the house means wealth flowing into the house.

So, it is also important to note how strong flow is. Even if you have a water feature, but the flow is so small, it does not create an impact for the house. The reason why a water feature is good is because when water fiction with Air, it creates Negative Ions. This is good for health.

So the water flow is extremely important in terms of feng shui.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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