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I have 20 windows in the house I am renting, every single one of them have wooden window sills that jut out, with corners poking from each end -posion arrows in every room! I cannot sand them down ormake a permanent modification asI do not own thishouse. It'sbeen very hard to think ofanything that I could drape orcover these with, as it would look pretty tackyin the main portion of the house.I have takenstrips of paper and taped them across eachcorner on the sills in my personal bedroom and bath, but whaton earthcan I do in the other "public" public parts of the house? (P.S. I'm not into haning mirrorson every wallto reflect all of these either,I would need way too many!) Thank you!!!
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Hi Cee Balshley,

Cee Balsley wrote:
I have 20 windows in the house I am renting, every single one of them have wooden window sills that jut out, with corners poking from each end -posion arrows in every room! I cannot sand them down ormake a permanent modification asI do not own thishouse. It'sbeen very hard to think ofanything that I could drape orcover these with, as it would look pretty tackyin the main portion of the house.I have takenstrips of paper and taped them across eachcorner on the sills in my personal bedroom and bath, but whaton earthcan I do in the other "public" public parts of the house? (P.S. I'm not into haning mirrorson every wallto reflect all of these either,I would need way too many!) Thank you!!!

I think this is still acceptable, as it is more of a decorative feature plus it is pretty common. So I don't think you need to be worrying about each so call poison arrow from it. These are considered small issues. You should be worrying about big or major flaws instead.

Plus, since you are renting the house, there is really not much options opened to you to solve it anyway. Not every item in Feng Shui flaw needs to be fixed. You should only focus on the major areas, small issues can be ignored.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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