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Hi, my flat is a 7 period house facing southeast 1, this year ihave real relationship problems and it started after flying stars has changed, i am a real beleiver of feng shui, so, my question is, i can't use northeast part of house because it rests outside of house, i used west part of my house because i thought this is the best, but i have relationship problems, because of 8 trigram and 6 yearly numbers, i think , the best place for relationships is my kitchen i think because it has 6 trigram, 4 yearly numbers, there is a nice table in my kitchen, so, i can work there, but they say kitchen is negative and you shouldn't enchance there, a member of family who spend all her time there recently restartedto her studiesafter many years, so i thought 4 yearly star who signifiy romance and education worked for her, because it happened suddenly after new chinese year like a miracle... i think spending time there can work for me, is it okay to use a kitchen like a living space?I know my daily program, i really can spend time there, please help me, i really want to fix my relationship problems, i
beleive in feng shui and i think flying stars had a great effect on me, my gua number is 4 , please help, thanks a lot...
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Hi Anon,

We get lots of such postings every other day. I must say it can sometimes be difficult to help each an everyone personally. Each home is unique and unless a full review is done to identify what's going on, it can be anyone's guess what are the leaks in the home that is causing your problem. Without knowing what is the leaks involved it is anyone's guess what you need to do to correct it.

It is easy to say try to do this and that, but unforunately that is not how true feng shui works. You need to know what is the problem before you can correct it. That is why most general advise that tells you that south-west is romance sector so you must place 99 roses to get romance concepts does not work.

What I can do to help you here, is provide you with some paid credits for you to be able to properly use the many tools to help assess what could be wrong and then attempt to fix up whatever problems that is identifiied.

Please e-mail me at support@geomancy.net with your member account e-mail address and this e-mail content as reference. I will give you some paid credits to help you assess your situation and then you can try to see what's wrong and correct it.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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