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Thank you for the informative articles you have posted on your website. I thoroughly enjoy reading them.

From your articles, I realised thatone of my toilets sits in the center of the apartment (oops!) Attached isthe layout plan of my apartment. Please kindly verify if it's not too much of a trouble.

I read from other websites that the following remedies are recommended when the toilet is situated in the center of the home:

1.Paint the toilet walls red.The fire element will increase income and therefore counteract the drain on wealth.

2. Place a mirror on the outside of the toilet door. The mirror will help deflect chi and also create an illusion of the bathroom/toilet not being there.

3. Place an earth-related object (a crystal, terra cotta vase, or stone) in each corner of the room. Or another variation isto keep a bowl of pebbles or fresh flower arrangement on the toilet tank or on a shelf above the toilet. By adding this element of earth, you will help control the water.

4.A black or red rug at the base of the toilet will also provide protection against wealth loss.

Do these remedieswork?

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

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Dear Arthur,

Arthur Ho wrote:
From your articles, I realised thatone of my toilets sits in the center of the apartment (oops!) Attached isthe layout plan of my apartment. Please kindly verify if it's not too much of a trouble.

Though the toilet is quite close to the center, it isn't exactly dead center. So I don't think it is a major issue. Furthermore, it takes several major leaks in the home at the same time for you to really have to worry.

As to the various suggestions provided. Frankly, those suggestions will normally not work as well. In fact the only way to fix the problem is unless you are able to move it away from the center influence. But this is almost impossible in most pre-built apartments.

Frankly, the reason why the toilet is a concern, is because the center is the flux where all the house influence will meet. As such it is best to kept empty so that there isn't a great imbalance. In addition, if you imagine if the toilet is the center, it is just like a big drain in the center where all your wealth will leak out of the home.

So ideally, painting such colours will not really help. Possibly the only suggestion that might help is anything that can attempt to trap the wealth before it leaks like a hulu or like what you mentioned in point 3. However, these if any will only try to minimise such a leak. It will not complete remove the problem.

But like mentioned, this although it one flaw, but on it's own it does not really a problem. However, if a home has too many other major leaks together with a toilet in the center, then it becomes something to worry about.

In your home, I would be more concerned that the main door opens out and Qi enter into the house and exit to the window directly across for example.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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Robert Lee wrote:
Though the toilet is quite close to the center, it isn't exactly dead center. So I don't think it is a major issue. Furthermore, it takes several major leaks in the home at the same time for you to really have to worry.

Thank you for your valuable advice, Robert.

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