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Rolling Eyes I am absolutely new to Feng Shui. In an effort to find out why my house "doesn't feel right", before I paint this place for the sixth time in seven years, I have started to study, and study, and study. This web site has been very helpful in getting me started in what I believe to be the right direction.

When I look forward out of my front door (the door most frequently used by myself), the direction I face is south 190 degrees - a quiet street. When I face out my back door where I spend a great deal of time, the direction I face is 20 degrees north - toward a 6 foot fence separating my back yard from a very high-traffic street which is a constant source of annoying yang-noise).

Is the noisy north back considered Facing?

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Hi Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
Rolling Eyes I am absolutely new to Feng Shui. In an effort to find out why my house "doesn't feel right", before I paint this place for the sixth time in seven years, I have started to study, and study, and study. This web site has been very helpful in getting me started in what I believe to be the right direction.

One thing that you know in Feng Shui, that you must feel comfortable in the place you live in. There shouldn't be a need to keep re-painting the home just because you think it is unsuitable. Colours are just one aspect of feng shui sometimes you should check if there are other flaws, ie sharp corners cutting your usual work or sleep area for example.

Anonymous wrote:
When I look forward out of my front door (the door most frequently used by myself), the direction I face is south 190 degrees - a quiet street. When I face out my back door where I spend a great deal of time, the direction I face is 20 degrees north - toward a 6 foot fence separating my back yard from a very high-traffic street which is a constant source of annoying yang-noise).

I presume from what you have described, you stay in a landed property. So you should be taking your frontage from the main entrance of your home (ie usually will be where you drive in if you had the gate). That will be considered the frontage. I think if I picture your description right, it should be your front door. That would more likely be your facing direction of the house.

Anonymous wrote:
Is the noisy north back considered Facing?

From what you described, this does not seem like your frontage.

If you have a simple sketch of your home including the drive way in, I can better advise you which is the proper frontage.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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