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Dear Master Lee,

I was wonder how bad is it really to have a bathroom in the center of the house because most floor plans have bathrooms near the center of the home. Also, is it still bad to have the main entrance face a fire place even if the fireplace is at an angle. Basically, once you walk into the house you do see the fireplace, but just a side of it. The fireplace is actually at a corner.Finally, Is it bad for me if my excellent is NE and my husband is SW for us to have a house that indents in the front area. For example our front exterior is like a U shape. I have included a picture. If we get a house that faces NE or SW with that shape of the house, is it bad? Is the floor plan still okay for us because I don't think it is 100% perfect in feng shui, but it is one of the better plans.

Thank you,


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Dear Angela,

Angela Le wrote:
I was wonder how bad is it really to have a bathroom in the center of the house because most floor plans have bathrooms near the center of the home. Also, is it still bad to have the main entrance face a fire place even if the fireplace is at an angle. Basically, once you walk into the house you do see the fireplace, but just a side of it. The fireplace is actually at a corner.Finally, Is it bad for me if my excellent is NE and my husband is SW for us to have a house that indents in the front area. For example our front exterior is like a U shape. I have included a picture. If we get a house that faces NE or SW with that shape of the house, is it bad? Is the floor plan still okay for us because I don't think it is 100% perfect in feng shui, but it is one of the better plans.

Unfortunately, there is no pre-built homes that are free from any feng shui flaws. What you need to do is to determine whether the flaw is major or minor and how it overally impacts the entire home.

Having one major/minor flaw does not mean that home is condemned.Just like an exam. Failing one question out of 10 question does not mean that you fail the exam. So you need to consider the overall feng shui influence then assess it whether it is has overall impact over the home.

Yes, though having a toilet located at the center of the home isn't that auspicious. It is a series of inauspicious influence that will finally impact the people staying in the house. ie. House not suitable, or house luck is bad, or ba zi luck period inauspicious. If a series of such issues are noted, then you will have inauspicious luck.

As for the other question on fireplace. Didn't see a file attached so very hard to comment on whether it is an issue or not.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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