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I'm a first timer on the theories of Feng Shui and I really enjoy this site. I'm planning to purchase a home. Based on the 8 house chart, I'm a SE person, and the true front door faces NE. However, I recall reading somewhere that if I primarily use the garage door entrance to the home, I should be using that as the Front Door.

From the center of the home, I can not see the door that connects the garage to the home. One thing to note is that the garage door to the house upon entering the home is facing SW. Would I consider the home a SW or NE facing home? Either way, NE (Death Line) or SW (Spook) isn't that a bad sign and I should not purchase the home?

Your help is much appreciated.

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Dear Steve,

Steve Jhun wrote:
I'm a first timer on the theories of Feng Shui and I really enjoy this site. I'm planning to purchase a home. Based on the 8 house chart, I'm a SE person, and the true front door faces NE. However, I recall reading somewhere that if I primarily use the garage door entrance to the home, I should be using that as the Front Door.

Firstly, glad that you enjoyed the website.

For the facing direction of the house, you need to first check if your home is an apartment or landed property. We have laid down some new guidelines so that users will not be so confused about the facing direction anymore:-

URL: http://www.geomancy.net/resources/art/art-cecilcompass.htm

1. Landed Property - Take facing direction from the frontage of the house usually the living room or main door you enter.

2. Apartments (2nd-7th level) - Take main door direction of door.

3. Apartments (8th level and up) - Take the living room / balcony direction.

This should minimise the confusions that most users have. In in doubt, you can attach a layout to help you check.

Steve Jhun wrote:
From the center of the home, I can not see the door that connects the garage to the home. One thing to note is that the garage door to the house upon entering the home is facing SW. Would I consider the home a SW or NE facing home? Either way, NE (Death Line) or SW (Spook) isn't that a bad sign and I should not purchase the home?

Since you mentioned you have a garage, then your house should be considered the option 1 landed property. Then you need to determine which is the front of the house. Take the facing direction based on the frontage of the house.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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