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Hi Master,

Ihavejust received keys for my new flat and to my dismay, I realised my living room window actually can see a cross junction road. And my main door is facing my neighbour main door too.

Could you provide your expert advice on such situaion and how to prevent bad omen?


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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
Ihavejust received keys for my new flat and to my dismay, I realised my living room window actually can see a cross junction road. And my main door is facing my neighbour main door too.

Few questions for you to ask yourself in order to determine if this isreally bad.

1. This cross junction that you mentioned, how close or far away is it from your block?

ie. If it is the road next to the block, then it is close. Then it will have more impact.

ie. If it is separated by another small carpark road, before the main road? If sothen it is at least a distance away and you have another small road or path that separate or blocks you from the cross junction. Then not so bad.

2. How high is your apartment?

ie.Usually for lower floors probably in this case I would say 7 floors or lower, then probably it will have a higher impact especially on the 2nd/3rd/4th floor.

ie. For higher floor, then I don't think it will be as great an issue.

These two factors will influence how much the cross junction will impact your home. The nearer the cross junction and the lower your floor the impact will be greater. Else it will be less.

Same for your neighbour door. How close it is from you? Closer, will also make it harder to fix. I mean if you were to employ like putting a bagua or mirror, your neighbour may also do the same and end up having more conflicts rather than a friendly relationship.

One practical way is to install a gate with the bottom half that is cannot see through. This will block some of the bad influence of two doors facing each other.

Anonymous wrote:
Could you provide your expert advice on such situaion and how to prevent bad omen?

For the cross junction, one way is to ensure that you have day curtain which will act as some protective first layer to shield you from the sha qi. In feng shui, when you cannot see the Sha Qi it does not become a problem. But if it is a distance or you are on a higher floor, then I don't think it will be too bad.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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Hi Robert,

I actually feel better after hearing from you cos' we are actually staying at high floor, 25th storey and the cross junction is after a carpark and a road apart. Because my apartment is unblock therefore I can see the cross juction. We are also view a smaller cross junction from our guestroom, however, the distance is even further.

Is it recommended to build a partition at the entrance to block from our neighbours door, it is only a small path between their door and ours.

Also, our door actually faces our full length window in our living room. I heard it is no good too cos' the qi cannot flow in the house and will exit directly.

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