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Please forgive my ignorance as I am new at Geomancy.The front door of my apartment faces North in the helpful people Gua. According to your report the North direction is very favorable (prosperity) for me. Do I incorporate the two maps together?I am confused.Would you clarify the difference between the Ba Gua nine area map and each direction associated with the Eight House map and how they work together? Thank you kindly. Paula Cool

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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
Please forgive my ignorance as I am new at Geomancy.The front door of my apartment faces North in the helpful people Gua. According to your report the North direction is very favorable (prosperity) for me. Do I incorporate the two maps together?I am confused.Would you clarify the difference between the Ba Gua nine area map and each direction associated with the Eight House map and how they work together? Thank you kindly. Paula Cool

Nine map or usually nine grid similiar to like flying star where there are 9 sectors. However, there are still only 8 directions with one additional center direction.

So simply match the eight sectors equally for the flying star and eight house. Only difference is that the 9th grid is a circle at the center of the chart.

So basically, that is how you relate the two types of concept together.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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