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When I stand behind my house main door with a compass, it shows south. When entering my house, I faces the balcony which is facing north.

A lot of pp say that my house sits south face north. But some of my friend also says that my house sits north facing south since maindoor is facing south.

When I look at the eight house type in this website and follow the guide, standing in the center of the house facing the main door with a compass, is shows 210 which is southwest.

So is my house a south house, north house or southwest house?

please advise,


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Dear Anon,

Frankly, to help everyone avoid the many confusions about the facing direction of the house, we have came up with these very clear definition to follow:-

1. For Landed Property, the facing direction of the house is the frontage of the house where the house building faces. Stand at the frontage of your home, take a reading looking outwards.

2. For apartments (2nd - 7th storey), take the main door direction of the house. Stand at the main door inside the house and take a compass reading looking out of the house.

3. For apartments (8th stoery and above), takethe facining direction of the house from the balcony / living room. Stand at the balcony or living room looking outwards. Take a compass reading and this will be your facing direction.

These method allows you to apply macro flying star analysis to your home. The centerpoint analysis is not wrong except that it apply to only micro flying star which only analyses the interior of the home. We find that most people end up have some trouble to determine the main door properly because of some restrictions in using this kind of anlaysis for some layout.

There are many different frontages for a home, getting the right one can sometimes be difficult for most users. As such, if you follow the above guideline, you should easily and clearly be able to get the right kind of facing for your home.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
My facing is actually N1 but the main door is in the sector SW under flying star. Under period 8 it is star 5, f9, s7.

Anonymous wrote:
5,9,7 is this a good combination?

Under the period 8, unfortunately this isn't a good flying star combination. 5 (Strong Earth) - Inauspicious Sickness Star, 7 (weak metal) - Inauspicious Robbery Star, 9 (weak fire) - Average Future Prosperity Star.

The combination is such at instead of enhancing the future prosperity star. This star influence is being converted to activate the inauspicious stars stronger. As such, it is considered overall inauspicious sector. Water and Wood element essential to help convert influence to something favourable by activating the future prosperity star.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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