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I received my balance of elements report from the paidreport. It says there :

1 Water "Strongest" 13% Acceptable (Increase element)

1 Wood "Strong" 10% Acceptable (Increase element)

7 Fire "Extremely Weak" 56% Reduce Element

2 Earth "Weakest" 10% Acceptable (Increase element)

1 Metal "Weak" 8% Acceptable (Increase element)

Now I understand the percentages, but what I don't understand is why is 7 Fire, for example, considered "Extremely Weak" when it obviously has the highest percentage (56%) compared to all other elements in my chart.

I don't understand what the numbers next to each element really mean, for example, "7 Fire", and "2 Earth", and "1 Wood". Thing is, shouldn't "7" Fire or "2 Earth"be considered stronger, compared to "1 Wood" because 7 or 2is more than 1??? So how come "1 Wood" is listedas "Strong" whereas "7 Fire" and "2 Earth" are listed as "extremely Weak" and "Weakest"???

Please help me understand this report Master Lee. Many thanks in advance!

P.S. and also, since my unfavourable elements are fire and water, should I still try to increase the element of water, since according to this report, it says that I should because water is only 13%??

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Dear Rachel,

Rachel Rachel wrote:
Now I understand the percentages, but what I don't understand is why is 7 Fire, for example, considered "Extremely Weak" when it obviously has the highest percentage (56%) compared to all other elements in my chart.

The Extremely weak is based on the seasonal influence based on your month of birth that will influence all the elements present in your chart. This extremely weak is the strength of the Fire element given your season of birth.

As to whether you are weak or strong will eventually be based on how many of each elements you have after the seasonal influence, the number of each element you have is computated. The 56% is computated after considered that the Fire is Extremely weak element but because you have 7 elements that makes it 56% strong when you compared it to other five elements in your chart.

Rachel Rachel wrote:
I don't understand what the numbers next to each element really mean, for example, "7 Fire", and "2 Earth", and "1 Wood". Thing is, shouldn't "7" Fire or "2 Earth"be considered stronger, compared to "1 Wood" because 7 or 2is more than 1??? So how come "1 Wood" is listedas "Strong" whereas "7 Fire" and "2 Earth" are listed as "extremely Weak" and "Weakest"???

The number there simply represents how may elements is found in your birth chart. The seasonal strengthen of each element is what whether the Fire is weak or Strong in reference to the season of your birth. The percentage will then show you if you have lots of it or very little of it.

Rachel Rachel wrote:
P.S. and also, since my unfavourable elements are fire and water, should I still try to increase the element of water, since according to this report, it says that I should because water is only 13%??

The ideal scenario for everyone is to have 20% of each five element. However, in reality this is very difficult for anyone to determine. So we can only based on the fact that if you have less than 20% of an element, having a little more will be good to help bring your chart in balance. This is why everyone will need to have a little of each element. It does not mean that you should only have one element. But a portion of each of the Five different element.

Since it is hard to tell you how much of any element you have at anytime. You therefore make use of the birth element ie a Strong Water person for example will mean that having Wood, Fire and Earth are generally favourable for you. But depending on how much of each element you have you might need more of a certain element than another. This is where the percentage will come in handy to help you. ie if you have 5% Wood and 40% Fire, then it means you would benfit to have more Wood, than Fire.

While as a Strong Water, Metal and Water is unfavourable element. Thus, if you have 76% Metal, and 1% Water, it means you are strong because of too much metal, so metal should be avoided as much as possible, while Water though unfavourable for you. You can still have some Water to help balance up your element.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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