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Hi, I have a problem with finding my month pillar.

My DOB is 04 October 1981.

The books I've read mentioned that the month pillar is calculated with my lunar month which is the 9th lunar month for my case. This would give me ?? (Wu Shu) for my month pillar.

From Internet programs, my month pillar is calculated as ???? (Ding You) for my month pillar, which corresponds to the 8th lunar month of year 1981.

Which is correct? Any help would be appreciated.



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Dear Paul,

Paul Ng wrote:
The books I've read mentioned that the month pillar is calculated with my lunar month which is the 9th lunar month for my case. This would give me ?? (Wu Shu) for my month pillar.

As far as our website is concerned, we use Lunar calendar month as the actual month. All our website analysis tools are Lunar calendar based which is also the same concept used in nearly all ther other website tools and analysis.

The reason there are difference is that they use the Xia Calendar for Ba Zi analysis, thus having differences. This is already a long discussed issue which I don't wish to have to discuss again.

Just do some search on the issues and you can read the many reasons for it. Basically, whoever you choose to have your feng shui analysis make sure that all the calendar formats are consistent. You don't want to have an analysis based on Lunar analysis, another on Xiaetc. This is like mixing an apple to an orange.

If you make use of our website tools, everything works well together because they are all based on a similiar concept Lunar calendar and thus they can inter-related very well together.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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