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Dear Maria,

Maria Lourdes Sinahan wrote:
How can I (yi) reduce the harm inflicted on me by wei person. What does it mean "To reduce tension between wei and yi, one should arm oneself with yi?".

Frankly, it is harder to reduce any harm that between two person by using yi. This is because, in terms of ba zi, a harm is where two animal signs conflict. And to neturalise such an effect, it is said you need a 3rd animal sign that helps to resolve the conflict. This is really hard to always have a 3rd party animal sign in order to create harmony.

Thus, a better way is based on the two element of the ba zi. ie one is weak water another is strong wood. Therefore the binding element or element to improve or reduce conflict is metal element. Having more of this element ie in the decoration (ie metal=white/gold), will help to reduce and improve the relationship between the two person.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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