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I have a bought a new house and finished renovation.

1. Before I perform themoving tonew houseritual , canI or some relativestay overnight at the house ?

2. Can I perform themoving to new houseritual first , then at a later date only install built-in kitchen cabinet and wardrobe ?

3. On the day of performingmoving to new houseritual , must the ownersleep in thenew house that night ? I heard that they also must cook their first meal on the same day. Is this true ?

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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
1. Before I perform themoving tonew houseritual , canI or some relativestay overnight at the house ?

No. As long as someone stays in the house overnight, that will be considered as move-in already. So best you do the move-in ritual first before anyone moves into stay.

URL: www.geomancy.net/temp/user/move-in.doc

Anonymous wrote:
2. Can I perform themoving to new houseritual first , then at a later date only install built-in kitchen cabinet and wardrobe ?

Yes, this should not be a problem. Only thing to take note here for doing renovation or works after you move in is:-

1. If the house is built in period 8 (2004-2023), then no issue.

2. If the house is built before in period 7 (1984-2003), then be careful that it is not a major renovation otherwise, you might accidentally change the house luck.

3. Remember to check where is the Grand Duke (Tai Sui) so as not to offend it if the works is conducted. Best to select a good date if any.

Anonymous wrote:
3. On the day of performingmoving to new houseritual , must the ownersleep in thenew house that night ? I heard that they also must cook their first meal on the same day. Is this true ?

Actually, once you do the move in ritual, ie bring in the rice and charcoal, those are already symbolic of moving in. It is providing the necessary food items to be able to cook in the house. This is suppose to seed the house with luck as well as essential food stuff for owners to be able to cook food.

So whether or not the owner actually move in on the same night is not really necessary. The symbolic action is good enough. However, if you can do so it will be better.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research.

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Dear Mei Yee,

mei yee wrote:
yeah i was also about to ask this question.. i have limited number pf leave and they are unpaid so i can only paint my resale flat at night and possibly stayover. i am da only owner so can i and some friends stay iver before the move in ritual day itself?

It is best you perform the move-in ritual first, before letting anyone stay in the house. Else it will be symbolic ofmoving in the day your fiends stay over.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research.

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