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Dear Master Lee

My Kua Nbr is 1.

My office door facing inside out is " East "

Base on my Kua Nbr, the lucky directions are Sheng Chi (SE), Nien Yen (S), Tien Yi(E) and Fu Wei (N).

I am a little confuse -When we says Sheng Chi location is always at the front of the house /office - do we refer to the living hall or the entrance of the house/office or should be base on the 8 mansions layout.


What if the front location is not the SE direction.

How should I activate the Sheng Chi direction in this case..

Is it correct to use the 8 mansions formula base on the total layout of the unit and locate the SE facing to put the auspicious items or sub divide the rooms base on the 8 mansions formula example main office / living rm area.

In another words...always at the front of the house /office for sheng chi is not necessary correct?. Am I correct.


Can I use water features to enhance my Sheng Chi or just says Money plant grow with soil to activate the sheng chi and Fu Wei location for Kua 1?.

Can I also put the wealth pot at this corner or the entrance.

If not, can I put the wealth pot on my desk on the SE direction.


If after activating the respective lucky directions -what is the time frame to realise good news..luck etc beforeneeds to reactivate positon or placement of Feng shui artifacts tocorrect and made improvement...


the layout of my office Missing Corner (NW)

Can I hangcrystal or light to neutralise the missing corner?

Hope to receiveyour professionalguidance.


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