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Ive been reading on the advises posted on the website. I am worried on the issues that state the bad connection between Monkey and Tiger. Please advise if we could guard against such tension in a marriage. I am Monkey(29/091980) and husband-to-be is Tiger(27/041974).I have visited a FengShui Master some time back but he has not caution us in details.

Could I please be advised on this or whether I need to book an appointment with a Master? I am really worried as we are beginning to face some setbacks in the relationship.

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Dear Marilyn,

Marilyn Tang wrote:
Ive been reading on the advises posted on the website. I am worried on the issues that state the bad connection between Monkey and Tiger. Please advise if we could guard against such tension in a marriage. I am Monkey(29/091980) and husband-to-be is Tiger(27/041974).I have visited a FengShui Master some time back but he has not caution us in details.

Generally, though Tiger and Monkey signs are incompatible. However, human relationship is complex and if two persons are willing to give and take a little, and with lots of love differences can always be work out and relationship can last a long time.

In our website, we will never tell you that two of you are incompatible etc. As this will only create additional fear on your end, and because you so believe it, you actually make it happen. I always believe that in relationship, it takes two person to make it work. Also, there will always be ways to harmonise two different animal sign especially each animal sign will have a particular element.

ie weak water Monkey vs weak wood Tiger (for example), if you have more water it helps to harmonise and improve the relationship.

So rather than believe in bad things will happen because of the clash, find ways to work out the difference and improve your human luck. ie have more activities together to create better relationship etc. These will all be better than worrying about bad things based on prediction.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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