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Dear Oliv,

Oliv Sullivan wrote:
If someone was born in a Water year and at a time of day that is Strong Metal, is the Strong Metal considered "bad"?

A Strong metal born in a water year, is actually favourable to the Strong Metal as it helps to control his excess metal. A weak metal born in water year will be not as good as a Strong Metal simple because the weak metal will be weakened by the water year.

Oliv Sullivan wrote:
What happens if they wear gold colored clothingor drive agold colored car versus wear black clothes or drive a black car?

This will really depend on whether how much of metal and water element they have in their chart. The goal of feng shui is to attain harmony. That means to have 20% of each element for all the five element.

A Strong Metal can be strong because it has lots of Earth, or lots of Metal, or an equal amount of Earth and Metal. If a Strong metal is strong because of lots of Earth and the Metal is lacking (ie

So ultimately, really depends on the overall balance in your five element. The more in your favourable and more well balanced your five element in the various areas of your life, the better your overall luck. If you have too much of one element and lacking in another, that is where you will have problems.

However, generally for Strong metal person, water element would be generally favourable. So Blue/Black/Gray would bring him generally better luck than gold/white colour car.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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Thank you, Mr. Lee.

This will really depend on whether how much of metal and water element they have in their chart.

I'm not sure how to ask this next question.....where are the other elements in the chart? In the example given, the year born is Water, the hour is Strong Metal. Where do the other elements come from?

Also, am I correct that a weak element is actually more unfavorable and in need of assistance than a strong element?

Thank you.

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Dear Oliv Sullivan,

Oliv Sullivan wrote:
I'm not sure how to ask this next question.....where are the other elements in the chart? In the example given, the year born is Water, the hour is Strong Metal. Where do the other elements come from?

In your ba zi, there are 4 main pillars and 2 addiitonal house pillar. Total 6 pillars each with Heavenly Stem and Earthly branch making 12 different signs. The elements are found mainly from these elements. That is why different people have different luck.

Oliv Sullivan wrote:
Also, am I correct that a weak element is actually more unfavorable and in need of assistance than a strong element?

That is generally the case. Weak element person tends to be at a disadvantage because he will need to first be strong before you can even benefit from your wealth element.

Thus, it is generally better to be a Strong person. However, the drawback of a Strong person, is the higher possibility of health problems due to greater inbalance.

So there is always a give and take situation.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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Robert Lee wrote:
That is generally the case. Weak element person tends to be at a disadvantage because he will need to first be strong before you can even benefit from your wealth element

Why would you not try to enhance the weak element? I ask this after looking at my own heavenly and earthly branches provided in this website. I have weak earth in heavenly hour and day as well as in earthly hour yet the unfavorable colors and elements listed for me are yellow and gold. Is this prehaps because enhancing weak earth would weaken the strong things in my branches (Kan water, heavenly month = +wood, heavenly yr = +metal, earthly month = +metal and earthly yr =+wood)?I'm trying to see how this all relates to the productive, destructive and reductive cycles.

Thank you.

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Dear Oliv,

Oliv Sullivan wrote:

Robert Lee wrote:
That is generally the case. Weak element person tends to be at a disadvantage because he will need to first be strong before you can even benefit from your wealth element

Why would you not try to enhance the weak element? I ask this after looking at my own heavenly and earthly branches provided in this website. I have weak earth in heavenly hour and day as well as in earthly hour yet the unfavorable colors and elements listed for me are yellow and gold. Is this prehaps because enhancing weak earth would weaken the strong things in my branches (Kan water, heavenly month = +wood, heavenly yr = +metal, earthly month = +metal and earthly yr =+wood)?I'm trying to see how this all relates to the productive, destructive and reductive cycles.

Sorry, I believe you are confused here.

1. When I talk about weak or strong, I am refering to the fact that a person is weak wood or strong wood. weak wood person tends to be at a slight disadvantage compared to a strong wood person.

I was also mentioning that a weak wood, will need to strengthen your weak wood to take advanage of the wealth. Whereas, for a Strong Wood, he has the advantage of controlling his wealth immediately, but must be careful about being overally strong.

However, the same for the Strong wood person will tends to have more health issues or very unbalanced chart which tends to show more health issue or lacking in certain type of characteristics or ten deities.

2. From you current posting, you seems to be talking more about the individual elements within the chart (ie heavenly stem element, earthly branch element etc).

Furthermore, it seems that you are assuming that the + (yang) elements state = Strong, whereas - (yin) elements state = weak. Which is absolutely wrong assumption.

All elements in the very default productive and destructivestate does not really assume a weak or strong nature, but rather that the elements are of the same state ie. either all weak or all strong:-


Productive Cycle:
a. weak metal -

weak water -
weak wood -
weak fire -
weak earth -
weak metal
b. strong metal -
strong water -
strong wood -
strong fire -
strong earth -
strong metal

Destructive Cycle:
a. weak metal -
weak wood -
weak earth -
weak water -
weak fire -
weak metal
b. strong metal -
strong wood -
strong earth -
strong water -
strong fire -
strong metal

Exhaustive Cycle:
Is not a true cycle in the five element, however, it is like where water is exhausted by wood. Again, there will be a weak or strong or even mixed statge for this.

However, by default, where no element strength is defined or unknown, it is by default considered weak. This applies to all the individual element within your ba zi chart.


There can be 4 state altogether:-

a. lesser Yin (weak)
b. greater Yin (strong)
c. lesser Yang (weak)
d. greater Yang (strong)

Therefore, it is absolutely wrong toassume yin = weak and yang = strong. This is the same as people commonly assuming that just because they are yin Pig, they are automatically a weak Pig.

Furthermore, for all the element in the ba zi chart there is not just weak or strong, but rather five different states. All determined from other factors in the ba zi.

What is important ultimately is the final element that you are determined (ie weak water), then followed by the percentage of each element you have at the time of birth.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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Oh, my head is spinning! How easy for you and hard for me (with my western brain) to understand. Please bear with me....so - or + does not indicate weak or strong rather yin or yang, correct? If this is so, then how it is determined whether a person is weak or strong whatever? Would it be the over abundance or lack of a particular element in the total ba zi?

This is very interesting. Thank you!

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Dear Oliv,

Oliv Sullivan wrote:
Oh, my head is spinning! How easy for you and hard for me (with my western brain) to understand. Please bear with me....so - or + does not indicate weak or strong rather yin or yang, correct? If this is so, then how it is determined whether a person is weak or strong whatever? Would it be the over abundance or lack of a particular element in the total ba zi?

- is actually for yin, while + is for yang. It has never been associated with weak or strong.

Ba zi is a complex shool, that is why we have theonline analysis which determine for you whether you are weak or strong without worrying about the technicalities. All I can tell you is that to get a really accurate breakdown, lots of factors has be considered.

Anyway, most people do not really need to bother about what goes behind the analysis. What is most important is for you to understand how to use the final information ie what element you are, and what elements favours you and how the five element relate to practical situation etc.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET-Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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