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I?ve bought a new house and have finished major renovation.

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1. Can I shift in my belongings before I perform the moving-in ritual ? Does it matter whether the belonging is old or newly bought ? How about new furniture and electrical items ?

2. My sister has given me second hand tv sets and mattress which I have placed in the new house. Is there any harm ? If yes , what can I do to rectify ?

3. What is required to select a date for moving-in ? Date of birth , etc ?

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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:

I?ve bought a new house and have finished major renovation.

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height=15 border=0>fficesrc='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>ffice" />

1. Can I shift in my belongings before I perform the moving-in ritual ? Does it matter whether the belonging is old or newly bought ? How about new furniture and electrical items ?

It is best you perform your move-in ritual before you starting bringing in old furnitures. New furnitures or electrical items are ok, except that you should not use them until you have done the move-in ritual.

Anonymous wrote:

2. My sister has given me second hand tv sets and mattress which I have placed in the new house. Is there any harm ? If yes , what can I do to rectify ?

Since you already move in,just make sure you do not use them until you have done the move-in ritual.

Anonymous wrote:

3. What is required to select a date for moving-in ? Date of birth , etc ?

Generally, the date and time of birth of head of the family and spouse (ie yourself and your spouse). You can make use of this free analysis report for assessing dates anytime within the next 30 days.

URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-dateboth.htm

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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