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Hi, I'm confused about the best sleeping position. In the free reports,thebest sleep position looksdifferent from the best work or study position. So, for sleeping I have to have the best direction for me behind my head when laying down on my bed? It looks like you have to face in the opposite direction. Is this correct? For the other positions (work, study), itlooks like you have to have your head facing towards your best direction. Is this also correct?

Sometimes I have bad headaches. Right now I have one, it's almost unbearable that I want to hurry up and finish typing this so that I cango lay down and rest. Would it be better in my case to lie down with my health direction (East)? (actually, in this case my health direction is one of my best sleeping, I'm not sure if that's the case for everyone?).The other best sleeping direction for me is South (longevity). Right now my bed is more aligned with South, to sleep with East I would have to rearrange my bed I think.

My birth stats are March 17, 1981 at 2:41am, male - if that helps with answering. Thank you for reading, any help would be greatly appreciated..

~ Carlo

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Dear Carlo,

Anonymous wrote:
Hi, I'm confused about the best sleeping position. In the free reports,thebest sleep position looksdifferent from the best work or study position. So, for sleeping I have to have the best direction for me behind my head when laying down on my bed? It looks like you have to face in the opposite direction. Is this correct? For the other positions (work, study), itlooks like you have to have your head facing towards your best direction. Is this also correct?

Yes, sleeping position is where say East is Longevity, your head should point to East and your feed point opposite in the West. This is because you are sleeping so your head should be pointed to the better direction.

For study or work position, since you sit upright and work, you work facing your good direction. Thus, if East is your Prosperity, then you sit facing Eastwards, with your back facing West.

Anonymous wrote:
Sometimes I have bad headaches. Right now I have one, it's almost unbearable that I want to hurry up and finish typing this so that I cango lay down and rest. Would it be better in my case to lie down with my health direction (East)? (actually, in this case my health direction is one of my best sleeping, I'm not sure if that's the case for everyone?).The other best sleeping direction for me is South (longevity). Right now my bed is more aligned with South, to sleep with East I would have to rearrange my bed I think.

Yes, this would be recommended if possible. Also, sometimes certain sector has too much Illness and misfortune star (ie star 2/5 under th flying star). This creates too much Earth influence which cause illness. So some way to balance is keep the room in White colour.

Other method which employes the use of technology or therapy would be:-

ie. Sometimes, headaches can be caused because of blood not flowing properly to your head when you sleep. So a good pillow can help you. Try looking for those Tempur pillow (it can be a expensive), but it is proven to give you a good night rest and because of the material and being able to balance you head properly, it improves your blood circulation in your head.Often, this is onereason for frequent headaches.

ie. Other method is some peopletends to relax better or sleep better some some aroma therapy.

ie. Of course if you frequently do have headaches, it can also be due to other medical problems which you better seek advise from a doctor to check out and help you.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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