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Dear Master Lee

My husband and I belong to the East Group but I read that the North-East and South-West facing houses are very good in the Period 8. In this case, should we look for a house based on the Eight Mansions or can we choose one that faces the North-East or South-West too? Thanks!


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Dear Asher,

Anonymous wrote:
My husband and I belong to the East Group but I read that the North-East and South-West facing houses are very good in the Period 8. In this case, should we look for a house based on the Eight Mansions or can we choose one that faces the North-East or South-West too? Thanks!

Ideally, it would be good to have both the Flying Star Feng Shui (ie North-East/South-West) and your Eight House suitable ie (Prosperity, Excellent etc).

However, for most people sometimes the flying star feng shui may be good but it does not suit them ie (death or disaster), then looking for a more suitable home with less flying star feng shui would be better. The reason for this is because, flying star feng shui can still be corrected but a house suitability cannot.

Also, how good a house does not just depend on the flying star chart, the better house depends on the exterior location that will usually determine if your house is overall good or not.

So I would say that as long as the house isn't a Death or Disaster suitability, then most houses can be considered even if it is your spook or irritation. However, ideally, you want both the suitability and house to be good. Where you cannot, then you just need to like average it out.

For houses where it does not fit your best house facing, you need to compromise by ensuring that there is a suitable bedroom to ensure that you can still draw luck from the bedroom.

The one thing I can tell you for sure, is that it is virtually impossible to buy a house that has zero feng shui flaws. Unless you choose your own plot of land and build the house yourself. For most pre-built house, it is not possible to have absolutely no flaws. But the most important is always the external & interior shapes and form of the houset, followed by suitability of the house and last to enhance the house. So even if there are a few minor faults it will be offset by the major advantages etc.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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