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I am having a problem on how to figure out my Eight house Report? According to my Month, day, year, and time of birth, I am a West person. Now when I look into the sleeping position regarding my bedrooom, kitchen, Dining, bathrooms, Garages, laundry, and great room, it does not coordinate what I am reading.

I am now in the starting stage of building a home, and I am using the feng shui method. My bedroom has been placed in the South Location, my front door Faces West, My office is located on the West area, Master bath on the SE location. Kitchen is on the East, Laundry on the NE, Formal Dining room is on the NW, and this home slopes on the South East corner so they are giving me a walk out basement.

Can you tell me if this is correct on the positioning of the room? I appreciate your help. Thanks, Maria

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Dear Maria,

maria cutrona wrote:

I am having a problem on how to figure out my Eight house Report? According to my Month, day, year, and time of birth, I am a West person. Now when I look into the sleeping position regarding my bedrooom, kitchen, Dining, bathrooms, Garages, laundry, and great room, it does not coordinate what I am reading.

I am now in the starting stage of building a home, and I am using the feng shui method. My bedroom has been placed in the South Location, my front door Faces West, My office is located on the West area, Master bath on the SE location. Kitchen is on the East, Laundry on the NE, Formal Dining room is on the NW, and this home slopes on the South East corner so they are giving me a walk out basement.

Can you tell me if this is correct on the positioning of the room? I appreciate your help. Thanks, Maria

Based on your post, I would strong recommend that you get professional help to really plan and advise you as eventhough theremay be free tools on our website that you can use. It is not really easy for you to know theory has great priority over the other.

The problem you probably have right now is that, based on the Ba Zi analysis, you aredetermined to be a certain element and thus the ba zielement and direction, does notseem to tally or match the Eight Houseanalysis which only determine suitability.

ie. Eight House does avery simple but effective analysisusingyourYEAR of birth. And it gives you 4 good and 4 bad direction. This concept is used only in small or micro levelusage.

ie.Ba Ziis more detailedwhich uses year, month, day, & time of birth. However, the direction here is more applied to larger or macro level analysis.

It is hard for both theories to give you the same reading as they are analysed on different information. So because of that, of course it makes it difficult to know which to follow. And that is why priorizing which theory and what is more important will come in. Unfortunately, unless you know all the concepts and what and why they are used in detail, it is hard for most people to be able to tell what comes first and what comes next. Thus, I am not at all surprised why you have difficulty to apply.

Which is why I strongly recommend that you probably get professional help to advise you rather than to work it out yourself.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET- Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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If I can get help on determining my home location? The reason for this is because there are different books regarding feng shui. I have about 5 and 2 out of the 5 reads different regarding my location for my home. My west is my excellent location, and South is where my bathroom should be. But according to other books they are saying that the South should be the location of the front door. I hope they are wrong because I just purchased a lot and my front door will face the west. My great room which is also consider the living room is located on the East part of my house. I was going to have a walk out basement but I decided not too. Any help??????

My garage will be located to the North of the home, it is hard to determine this. When my architect is finish I would love for you to do the actual placement of my home. Before I start breaking grounds.

Would like to know how much would this cost. ???? Thanks

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