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Hello Master Lee,

I have a house, but unfortunately a new house is being built across from mine. I thought about putting a small concrete fence about knee or waist high in front of my yard. However, I can only do it partially because my car garage is in the front. Therefore, what can I do? Should I use a bau qua and if so, how? What about plants and where? I know I can notput a tree in front of the yard because it will block my main door, but should I put one anyway, but just away from the main door?



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Dear Angela,

Angela Le wrote:
I have a house, but unfortunately a new house is being built across from mine. I thought about putting a small concrete fence about knee or waist high in front of my yard. However, I can only do it partially because my car garage is in the front. Therefore, what can I do? Should I use a bau qua and if so, how? What about plants and where? I know I can notput a tree in front of the yard because it will block my main door, but should I put one anyway, but just away from the main door?

Of course, if you can put a fence to help block the corner, that would be best. If not do what you can with the fence, and probably add a bagua mirror to deflect the Sha Qi back. You will still need the mirror whether or not the new house was built simply because the curved corner of the road is the other major sha qi that cuts into your home. So the bagua would probably be the only way to help you on this problem.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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