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Dear Rathan,

rathan mandavilli wrote:
My son's chart shows "Luck Against You" for a number of years. He was born on 23 November 1997 at 08:55AM. Are there any Feng Shui cures to deal with this matter, so that this can be countered?

The way to improve any person's ba zi, is to ensure that he has more favourable element throughout his life.

Five element can be related to colours, material, people, shapes, career etc. So for him as a Strong Wood, he will need to try to have more Fire and Metal element in his life. You can refer to this chart for some of the five element and relationship to see how you can choose favourable clothing/car/room decor colours, or career, or shapes etc.

URL: http://talk.geomancy.net

The more favourable element that a person has his luck will be improved. Others such as the given luck period 10-year, 5-yearly etc, will also be changing from year to year. So some years he will have better luck others less. The rest comes from his environment as explained above.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Mr. Lee:

Many thanks for your response to my posting. I have read through the contents, and will follow your advise as suggested.

I really like your website and the Free Advise Forum. Many of my questions relating to Feng Shui were answered once I went through the contents. I really appreciate the help.



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