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Dear Oliv,

Oliv Sullivan wrote:
What is Huo Hai? I have been told have this at my front door entrance in the west sector.

Generally, in flying star star 2/5 are considered illness/misfortune. So if you have such stars in that sector, then you are considered to have some huo hai (disasaster). If there are such stars, Metal is necessary to balance the sector. You can use the free flying star report in our member area to determine if there are such stars present.

The other disaster to take note is the one from your suitability, ie West is Disaster sector. In this case, you can't do much here if this is your main door, because this is a matter of suitability. You can only attempt to correct or enhance other area, that you can fix or enhance.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research.

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