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Dear Robert Lee:

In your experience, have you ever had the need to use 2 flying star charts? If year of construction of house is known, but several renovations have been made to the house but those years are unknown, would you use more than one chart? And how would you compare the 2 charts to enable you to make decisions?

Thanks! I think your site has a wealth of information!

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Dear CindyLu,

CindyLu Who wrote:
In your experience, have you ever had the need to use 2 flying star charts? If year of construction of house is known, but several renovations have been made to the house but those years are unknown, would you use more than one chart? And how would you compare the 2 charts to enable you to make decisions?

In such cases, we have to determine which chart will fall closest to the current influence of the house. Usually, we try to determine what has been done, because if there are hacking/addition/removal of house structure, generally, it is clear cut sign of a change in period. If not, then we just have to assess two charts, see which has events or features which fall closest to predicted event of the flying star.

One thing we always consider especialy for old or existings house. Are we planning to have a major renovations. If so, then the original house does not matter. As you should work to change the house period to the new one. Then based on that to activate or enhance.

In most cases, if the house is very old, the likelyhood of a more recent chart to have taken over is higher. So we based on all these factors to determine.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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