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hi ho!Mr. Green Beautiful, informative site! My ancestors were Chinese and so I hope to learn more about Feng Shui.

Just wondering... It is said that I am Strong Water. I am a cartoonist, illustratorand a graphic novelist. Art is water too, yes? Does that mean I took the wrong career?


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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
Just wondering... It is said that I am Strong Water. I am a cartoonist, illustratorand a graphic novelist. Art is water too, yes? Does that mean I took the wrong career?

If I only consider your career suitability, yes probably cartoonist, illustrator and graphic novelist will be considered weater element and so not suitable for you.

However, there are many areas in your life (ie your house suitability/element, your career, the colours/element you wear, the people around you, your own luck period etc). Of which the house will have the greatest amount of luck. So if you want to have water career, then you need to make sure you have at least a Wood house (ie East facing etc). And have peple around you which is wood or earth element.

Ultimately, it is attaining a balance. If you can get enough elements to exhaust the excess water, it will still be possible to have a water element career. Just that you probably have to work harder tobenefit from this career as opposed to a more suitable career.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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