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Hi Master Lee,

I would like to ask you that in order to calculate out time pillar, do we use the time in our own country or do we need to synchronize to the China time +8 hr? I'm a Singaporean by the way for your infomation and I'm a bit confused whether or not to use our local time.And last but not least, I would like to ask you if people born in the year of the monkey, is it true that he/she is not suitable to wear blue tiger-eye stones as in the Chinese Zodiac, the monkey actually oppose the tiger.

Best Regards & Thanks!

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Dear Desmond,

Desmond Woo wrote:
I would like to ask you that in order to calculate out time pillar, do we use the time in our own country or do we need to synchronize to the China time +8 hr? I'm a Singaporean by the way for your infomation and I'm a bit confused whether or not to use our local time.

In general, we find that most of the modern concepts about applying the time zone factor isn't the right way to apply location factor into the bazi. ie the time zone is so simplified now that, it is no longer accurate furthermore, it only applies to one aspect of location.

The only true way is to apply the long. and lat of place of birth. However, even this, I find that it is flawed. Reason being who will really record the exact long. and lat. of birth. I mean even in a hospital, do you know that that even if you give birth in different rooms, the long. and lat. will be very different? This means that even 1 degree off, will completely make the chart even less accurate than without considering this factor.

And if you know how the ba zi works, the month pillar is ultimately what defines most of the luck period. While the hour pillar only helps to determine if a element is weak or strong. In general, only a few hour in the day will affect the weak/strong. Otherwise, the rest only affects the accuracy on determining what kind of characteristics a chart might have (ie strong wealth, power & authority etc). And it was designed to be calculated even if you do not have the hour of birth, so hour of birth is often not really necessary to have a fair prediction of what is your given luck.

So because of these many reasons, we find that really there is no need to apply any changes to the original concepts, thus just use your local time of birth. So in general, the impact isn't as great as what most people think it will be. No changes necessary.

Desmond Woo wrote:
And last but not least, I would like to ask you if people born in the year of the monkey, is it true that he/she is not suitable to wear blue tiger-eye stones as in the Chinese Zodiac, the monkey actually oppose the tiger.

The reason most people say this will be because Tiger clashes with Monkey under the zodiac sign.

However, as mentioned time and time again, true feng shui is about harmonising yourself to the environment. Most of the time it is about finding the most suitable house, best direction etc. Most of the items that are being promoted as feng shui enhancers are generally not really so. Most of these items if any only enhances the human luck. ie if it makes you feel good, no harm in wearing them. But one must understand that there is really not special powers on such items that really affect you. These are all mostly symoblic representations of good or bad only based on the different concepts.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Reseach

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Ihave a question onthe season of birth. The northern and southern hemisphere have different season cycle,e.g. Winter in the north is actually Summer in the south.Does that mean the analysis on the month pillar needs to map to thegeographical season accordingly? say, if I am born in december inthe southern hemisphere, my season of birth is Summerand Fire is strong.. but if bornin december in the northern hemisphere, theseasonis Winterand Wateris strong. So, which season cycle to use for the analysis if I am born in the South? Thank you.

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Dear K H Lee,

K H Lee wrote:
Ihave a question onthe season of birth. The northern and southern hemisphere have different season cycle,e.g. Winter in the north is actually Summer in the south.Does that mean the analysis on the month pillar needs to map to thegeographical season accordingly? say, if I am born in december inthe southern hemisphere, my season of birth is Summerand Fire is strong.. but if bornin december in the northern hemisphere, theseasonis Winterand Wateris strong. So, which season cycle to use for the analysis if I am born in the South? Thank you.

To my understanding,the difference in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere seasons is notthat of a reversed season but rather of a seasonlag of 6 months.

ie.Winter NH - 21 Dec, SH - 21 Jun
ie. Spring NH - 21 Mar, SH - 21 Sep
ie. Summer NH - 21 Jun, SH - 21 Dec
ie. Autumn NH - 22 Sep, SH - 22 Mar

So it is not really that the seasons is revered. But rather than if you stay nearer to the North - Winter comes earlier, while if you stay nearer to the South - Winder comes later. So it is more of a seasons shift of about 6-months rather than the cycle being completely reversed.

To be frank, if youreally want to factor this influence, this means you need to have a time shift in all the concepts for 6-months in order to properly align the concepts without affecting the full analysis. However, from the many cases that I have done, I find that the analysis we done can still accurately predict most of the key events. Which tells me that the is really no real need to make any changes to the concept.

The reason to me is that the feng shui principles in the ba zi or flying star etc. Has been so well thought out that the main goal is to make sense of the situation ie how each pillar relates to one or another. And the current definition and harmony of the yin & yang, five element, 10- heavenly stem, 12 earthly branch, 10-year cycle, 20-year, 60-year cycle, clashes, combinations are so well balanced that, it is using how each pilar balance themselves out that give you all the various interpretations.

Thus, I find that having seen so many different variations in many feng shui concepts so far. However, I noticed one thing is that irregardless of the different concepts used, as long as the practitioner or master uses all the concepts together, they eventually balance out each other's inaccuracy and flaws and making suggesting the right solution possible. And that is why most of the good masters (even if there are difference in some of the theories they learnt), can still give a very good forecast and make correct changes.

This is because the final analysis is ultimately how the chart balance out itself. So if I were to logically shift the feng shui concepts 6 months ahead ie. The ba zi chart which is ultimately made up of 4 main pillars, will have the heavenly stem and earthly branch properly shifted into place that the analysis result which is based on overall balance of the various factors together will not make that great of a difference.

This is probably the reasons why many consultant including myself feel that really there is no need to make any changes to the concepts. To me personally, I feel that if you really want to consider this then all the concepts needs to altered to compensate for the delay. Which frankly means a completely new set of feng shui concepts for the South. As it is most people don't even fully understand the Feng Shui concepts. I really don't know how accurate it will be when they attempt to factor all these differences into the exact southern hemisphere differences. Only when such a concept is really perfected, and you do a exact comparison will one be able to say for sure if this is really necessary.

For now, I still see very good results for cases we done without alternating the concepts. So my view is not really necessary.I find that being able to properly interpret the results from the overall concepts interacting with each otheris what makes a good analysis from a lousy one.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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