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I moved into an l shaped loft last year. I wasn't too happy with it, but my partner loved it. The problems for me are pretty severe. My SW (tien yi) is in the bathroom black and white and adjacent toilet (black and white) and adjacent to that my storage laundry room. These are in the L part. Then West (tu wei) is in the handle with the front door (straight wall). The room gets wider a bit after a curve around the outside elevator shaft , 1/4 circle which cuts into a curved wall.It curves wider (but not closing L) into NW (sheng chi) and narrows again cutting out almost all North (ho hai) leaving a narrow curved hall outside my bedroom.

All the window are on the East side of the large space, with a rectangle cut into East (chueh ming).

Questions: Do I enhance the space of my chueh ming as it is a bad arear for me. I can't hang mirrors due to the windows. Also what about the Ho hai being in a narrow hall?

What do I do with the curved walls as I can't stabley hang mirrors?

Any other solutions?

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