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Feng shui in names


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Dear Mr. Lee

I would like to thank you for yourhelp regarding the mirror fronting the stairs.. I am more comfortable now than before.

I would like also to know if there is also Feng Shui for names? If there is what would you recommend an auspicious name for me coz I am planning to change my name becoz I am having difficulty to do my signature with my present name. I think changing my name and signature will help improve my business.

Thanks a lot in advance and more power to you!!!

Yours truly,


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Dear Norman,

Norman Leonor wrote:
I would like also to know if there is also Feng Shui for names? If there is what would you recommend an auspicious name for me coz I am planning to change my name becoz I am having difficulty to do my signature with my present name. I think changing my name and signature will help improve my business.

Yes, there is a chinese name analysis which incorporates the five element analysis into the chiense name. English name there isn't a such a conversion, in the concept. However, in general, there are several books that mentioned that the english name can still be analysed by considering the element by the number of character, and the alphabet that of the 1st character of the name is the element for the name.

As mentioned, there is a name analysis, but for our service we only do the chinese name analysis as this is the true traditional analysis. English analysis service isn't available as there is yet to be a consistent analysis method that is as chinese name analysis.

In general, the one thing to note is that usually if you already an adult, changing name does not really bring you major luck changes. However, as mentioned if it is due to difficulties with your signature, then probably it will bring you some ease if you do change it. But in terms of luck changes, you will have greater luck change from other areas such as improving the luck of the home or office as compared to a name change.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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