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Dear Mr. Lee,

Can you give me advice to where should i place my fish tank in the house? My house is sitting North, facing South. My main door is facing south but sits in the southwest area of the south wall. Actually i moved my fist tank from the southeast to the south expecting toattractpositvie Qi but insteadi feel thati moved the fish tanktothewrong place in the south area coz lately i experience bad events happened. Do i have to move it back or move to another area in the house? Please help...

Thank you again and always more power to you!


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Dear Norman,

Based on your last message, it would seem that your home's Flying Star chart should be a Period 7 chart. And in addition, you just mentioned that your home is a South facing apartment.

Since you did not mention which South facing apartment it is: as it could either be a South 1 (165 degrees) or South 2 (180 deg.) or South 3 (195 degrees).

Most likely, if your home is a South 2 (180) or South 3 (195 degrees) then under the Flying star Feng shui, this south facing frontage has a mountain #8 water #6 and base (palace star) of #2.

Under the current Flying Star Feng Shui:-

#8 = current prosperity
#9 = future prosperity
#1 = future, future prosperity.

Well it is hard to understand where your fish tank is currently based on description (only). But, if your homehas a Period 7 S2 or S3 Flying Star chart then, it would not be adviceable to place a water feature at the frontage (south) of the home.

This is because as mentioned above, S2 or S3 home has a MOUNTAIN star #8 (which is associated with networking, relationship luck) and a water feature, will DROWN this mountain. For example it is like digging a hole; placing water and literally drowning or SINKING the mountain wealth sector!

Warmest Regards,

Norman Leonor wrote:
Can you give me advice to where should i place my fish tank in the house? My house is sitting North, facing South. My main door is facing south but sits in the southwest area of the south wall. Actually i moved my fist tank from the southeast to the south expecting toattractpositvie Qi but insteadi feel thati moved the fish tanktothewrong place in the south area coz lately i experience bad events happened. Do i have to move it back or move to another area in the house? Please help...

Norman Leonor wrote:

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Master Lee,

Thank you again for your unending advice... I would like to thank you for the clarification regarding my house period. Now i'll be able to analyze thecharted numbers in every sector of my house. My house (as you have clarified) is in period 7 andsits on N2 and faces S2 172.5degress to 187.5degress. In NW sector is 6m, 8w, 4t and 9a. base onwhat i've readthe 8w is wealth number and it is the current/rulingnumber.

Withthe numbers combination my analysis is this:6metal is the mountain and 8earth is the water. 4wood is the time and9fire is the annual. The 8w is being weaken by the 6m star. The inaspicious 4t star also burdens the 8w star whichmay cause injury to family members. But becoz of the 9a visiting this corner the innate inaspiciousness of 6m and 4t is being diminished by the 9a star. In my opinion there is no remedy to be done here. Becoz of the the 9a star presence.. it enhances the 8w fostering a smooth flow of money.

Well..... i hope i am correct in my analysis. It really is confusing analysing the numbers with their timely and untimely characteristics.

Please advice more..

thank you and more power!

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