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Does electrical wiring problem means bad feng shui


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Dear Anon,
It is hard to associate electrical problems to Feng Shui. However, as Feng Shui uses the "commonsense approach", in a broad sense, such things can be associated with or co-related with Feng Shui.
Basically, there is no past written information of the effects of electricity on Feng Shui as it has only been invented by Edison in our century.
Based on "commonse", I believe, most of us feel strongly that this may be a potential for a fire if the problem is not resolved.
The closest to this is that it is considered inauspicious to have the bedroom above a kitchen. The reason is because although incidents such as a fire in a kitchen is uncommon, this would be the most likely place (if ever) for a fire to be started. Of course, for a non-smoking (cigarette/cigar) family.
But here again, the concept of " Priority " takes precedence over this. Since such `accidents' are rare and even if there is, the effects may be reduced by using smoke detectors etc... it would be better if say this room (above the kitchen) is auspicious for a family member to sleep in. He/she should sleep in this room rather than a room which is less/inaspicous for them (under the Eight house / Flying Star.)
Warmest Regards,

On 9/3/99 1:18:29 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
I read somewhere that if one
is having electrical problems
at home. It means that there
is something wrong with the
feng shui of home. Is it true.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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