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Greetings to you Sir,

I am very confused and would like to seek your advice. I am a strong yin fire person with 5 earth element and 3 fire element in my eight characters.The Free Personal Ba Zi report indicates the following favourable industry I should consider working in are:

  • Earth - Customer Relations, Constructions, Games, etc
  • Water - Advertising, Arts, Communications, etc

Qn 1: My wealth element should be wateras it clashes with fire. However, could earth too be my wealth element as it reduces fire?

According to the Career Star of the Personal Stars report, itindicates the following:

    Creative work in the areas of art(water element), fashion (fire element), design (water element?)and writing (wood element?).This is governed by the Prosperity Star.

Qn 2: As mentioned above, I am a strong yin fire person, therefore, wouldn't it be unfavourable if I work in the fashion industry which is a fire element?

Qn 3: Also, I have a strong interest in acquiring knowledge relating to feng shui and may consider becoming a feng shui master as a career. As feng shui is considered as wood element, therefore, would it mean that it would be unfavourable for me to venture into feng shui as a career?

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Dear Sharlene,

Sharlene Soh wrote:
Qn 1: My wealth element should be wateras it clashes with fire. However, could earth too be my wealth element as it reduces fire?

You are a Strong Fire, so your wealth is Metal element. The element that your element can destroy.

A weak fire is one that lacks of Wood and Fire, thus considered weak. A strong fire is one that has too much of Wood and Fire, thus considered strong.

So as a Strong Fire, you want to have elements that can control or bring down your excess fire. That means Earth that helps you exhaust your Fire or Water that destroy your Fire. And even Metal which helps to destroy your excess Wood.

However, which element is your most favourable elements depends a lot on the percentage of the elements in your chart which is only available in the paid reports. Free report you will not know exactly the exact percentage of each element. Given you mentioned that you have 5 earth, there might be a possiblity that you have too much of it already. So you will probably benefit more from either Water or Metal elements.

Qn 2: As mentioned above, I am a strong yin fire person, therefore, wouldn't it be unfavourable if I work in the fashion industry which is a fire element?

Yes, you will not benefit from a fire element career if you are a Strong Fire.

Qn 3: Also, I have a strong interest in acquiring knowledge relating to feng shui and may consider becoming a feng shui master as a career. As feng shui is considered as wood element, therefore, would it mean that it would be unfavourable for me to venture into feng shui as a career?

Yes, you will not benefit from a wood element career if you are a Strong Fire.

In both qn 2 and qn 3, you need to ensure you have lots of your favourable element first before you can benefit from Wood element in general. Otherwise, you will not benefit from having an unfavourable element.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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