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Dear Nevine,

nevine al seidi wrote:
I am strong wood. This means my colour is green. Should I employ more red and fire element, more and more metal in my home to neutralize my nature? And does this mean I should surround myself with less living plants?

I think you are a little confused here.

Kua (Eight House) is often used more for most suitable/best facing etc. It is based on year of birth so it is less accurate when you are planning to use for personal analysis. Thus, even though there is a kua element you do not use it as your personal element.

Ba Zi charts your luck and true personal element as it uses the day/month/year and even hour of birth. So it is better to determine your element. Which as you mentioned is Strong Wood.

Strong Wood does not mean that your favourable is green. A Strong Wood means you are strong because you either have too much Wood or Water. Thus, Wood and Water are not your favourable element.

Instead, Strong Wood means you are overally strong, thus you need elements like Fire to exhaust away the excess Wood, or Metal to destroy the Wood or even Earth (your wealth) to help control the excess water.

Therefore, your favourable elements/colours should be Fire(red), Metal (white/gold) or Earth (yellow). Refer to this link for the colours and five element relationship chart:-

URL: http://talk.geomancy.net

How much or exactly which element is considered you most favourable will depend a lot on the percentage of the element in your chart. For example if the percentage of your fire is 50%, metal is 15% and earth 5%, that means among the 3 favourable element, you benefit from having more earth followed by Metal and Fire. This will be known if you have a full ba zi analysis for you to fune tune. Otherwise, in general any of the 3 favourable element will be favourable.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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