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i have yet another question.

currently at work, i am sitting in my spook/irritation direction. i have a wall in front of me and a window beside me. the view out the window is other taller buildings corners, sides etc... (does the corner count as poison arrows?). i share a cubicle so there is no wall behind me but a corner of a verticle supporting column points twds me. the person whom i share the cubicle with is a 'small person' whom causes lots of disturbances around the office.

recently, i have been given a choice to move to a single (non-sharing) cubicle. this cubicle is more in my prosperityline but also very, very close to my disaster line. i will be surrounded by partitions on 3 sides (front, back and left side.) but there is also a supporting column right in front of me (in my prosperity/disaster line) but the corners point away from me (meaning the flat side faces me).

my question is, which desk is better? the first one: window view (brighter) but more corners and 'little person' close by or the second one: more prosperity but close to disaster line, but supporting column in front of me and no 'little person' beside me.

please help!


p.s. - i have been studying your website religiously for the past few weeks! it's very, very informative! thks for being so generous with your knowledge. it's much, much appreciated!

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