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Dear May Ong,

May Ong wrote:
hope you can help me. My birthdateis 29 July 1976, 12.56pm. May I know whether I belong to Strong Water or Weak Water. Cause my Day is Yang Water but there are no other supporting elements in my bazi.

Actually, our free report will give you the same answer or analysis as in the full paid report less the details of the analysis. This means that if the free report has assesed you to be a Strong yang water. That means you are a Strong yang water.

URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-element.htm

There is a lot more to the assessment of weakor strong then just based on the basic chart. So a lot of details and calculation needs to be done to asses if you are classified as a weak or strong person. In the free report we just do not show you all these information but the details are still calculated and thus if it shows you are a Strong Water, you are a Strong Water. Here is a portion ofthefive element summary from the paid report to show you why:-


3 Water
38 %

3 Wood
Extremely Weak
9 %

4 Fire
25 %

1 Earth
9 %

1 Metal
16 %

You are a Strong Water simply because your overall percentage after considering the season strength, the combinations and clashes, the various final element, and the number of elements.

As long as your favourable elements Metal and Water is more than your Fire and Earth, you will be deemed a Strong Water:-

ie.Favourable: 16% Metal + 38% Water = 54%

ie. Unfavourable: 25% Fire + 9% Earth = 34%

That is why you are deemed a Strong Yang Water and not a weak Water.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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