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HI to all, I'm currently a tertiary student. I would like to know what jobs best suit water element, I have seen the chart, I happen to see Arts under water element! I'm currently majouring in Fine arts, I'm wonder if Fine arts Such as printmaking is part of the water element? Is hairdressing under water element too? any more specific job on water element?
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Dear GaltD Lip,

GaltD lip wrote:
HI to all, I'm currently a tertiary student. I would like to know what jobs best suit water element, I have seen the chart, I happen to see Arts under water element!

To be frank, there are so many different careers available. It is difficult to have a comprehensive list covering all types of career. Furthermore, some career has mixed element influence so besides the general list we have come out, the rest have to be evaluated when someone ask us.

However, irregardless, the chart would have already contained the key essence of the major types of jobs or things related to it:-

URL: http://talk.geomancy.net

GaltD lip wrote:
I'm currently majouring in Fine arts, I'm wonder if Fine arts Such as printmaking is part of the water element? Is hairdressing under water element too? any more specific job on water element?

Arts is Water element.

Printmaking involves media/paper instrument, so I would clssify as water/wood element.

Hairdresing should be under water as it is also an art form.

Water element tends to classify any job that has no specific form (ie freedom, creative, insprational type).

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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