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I am presently in the market to buy a house and I am looking into water front property. My chart showes that I am a strong earth and strong fireperson. It also shows that I have 0 metal and weak water. Is being on water front property auspcious for me and if so which direction should the front door face, i am assuming it is north alsodoes this mean that the water needs to be in the front of property.

Thanks much, BB

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Dear Brian,

Under "Can or cannot buy" conditions, it is best to apply in principal the two major schools of Feng Shui, first:-

a. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. Here, generally, water front property is usually acceptable.

b. Compass School Feng Shui.

Eight House / East-West Group & FLying Star Feng Shui

Here, you have to find out whether you belong to either East or West Group.

In general, if you are a west group person, then the "facing" directions worth considering are:-

North-East and South-West (Better Flying Stars)

(Generally, NW and West don't have as good Feng Shui as the above NE and/or SW).

For what is the "facing" direction, please go to the conference
"Feng Shui Tips" and read the two "sticky" messages under Facing Directions I and II.

If you are an East group person, then should consider:

Southand East (Better Flying Stars)
(Generally,North andSouth-East don't have as good Feng Shui as the aboveSouth and/or East).

Bear in mind, where is the afternoon sun. If possible, consider the above in relation to where is the afternoon sun. We are quite concerned with the afternoon sun bathing or soaking into the brickwalls. In the evening, this is the time where heat is released from the walls etc..

Warmest Regards,


Brian Benson wrote:
I am presently in the market to buy a house and I am looking into water front property. My chart showes that I am a strong earth and strong fireperson. It also shows that I have 0 metal and weak water. Is being on water front property auspcious for me and if so which direction should the front door face, i am assuming it is north alsodoes this mean that the water needs to be in the front of property.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 5 months later...

I'am a west person. I want to move to west (W2) direction house(my prosperity direction). The house is period 8 with water feature at the front. Is it still not a good flying star in this case ?

Can you tell me at what case west direction is good for west person ?

(You said NE dan SW is better for west person).

Thank you,

Cahaya Harapan

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Dear Cahaya,

Cahaya Harapan wrote:
I'am a west person. I want to move to west (W2) direction house(my prosperity direction). The house is period 8 with water feature at the front. Is it still not a good flying star in this case ?

Can you tell me at what case west direction is good for west person ?

(You said NE dan SW is better for west person).

Thank you,

Cahaya Harapan

If you are a west group person, and if you are looking for period 8 house. Then North-East/South-West has the two most favourable flying star house luck. Also, it will fall under your favourable eight house direction.

So yes, NE/SW will have better house luck than a period 8 West facing house. This is generally the case.

Take note:That even though the house direction are generally good, the auspicious flying star sectors should fall in the right locations of the layout to benefit from the good luck. Otherwise, say if you stay in a NE house but all the good stars falls in the toilet or storeroom or yard areas where it does not benefit you, then it is not good.

So whether or not a flying star house direction is auspicious is one thing. Finding a layout that can benefit from the chart and still have rooms suitable for every family member is equally important.

West facing house still have auspicious flying star in the front. So it is still one of the auspicious direction for homes. As to whether or not it is the best direction, as mentioned depends a lot on whether the layout has the rooms in the right sector to benefit or not. So whether it is NE/SW/W if the layout cannot benefit from the chart, then it is not as good.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research.

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