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Dear Sir/Madam,

If an element is strong and you want to balance it, how do you decide which cycle to use- the productive, destructive or exhausative? Can you jump between cycles?

Also, is the balcony of a condominium part of the floor plan and can you activate that area of the house in general?

Thank you so much!

Love, Violet

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Dear Violet,

Use this as a Reference: http://www.geomancy.net/resources/theories/fs-5element.htm

For example:

Ifa person is a Strong Metal, person. Then in terms ofelements, being strong metal, need:

1. Water to help draw out or reduce her Strong Metal element.

2. When water is increased, need wood to draw it out.

3. When wood is also increased, need fire to reduce it.

Thus under the productive sequence: For a Strong element person, look at the Productive cycle chart and move forward 3 elements:

Thus as mentioned above, if one is a Strong Metal, look forward three elements: Water, Wood and Fire are favourable to the Strong Metal person.

The Destructive Cycle

Actually, this can be quite misleading way to say about this cycle.

For example, we next look at the Destructive Cycle:

For a Strong Metal person, his "wealth element" is WOOD. Wood is thus considered as his wealth element. Here imagine a strong metal axe is used to chop down a tree (wood).

Or let's imagine, we purchase a block of wood for US$5 dollars. Using our METAL implements, an artist carve out a beautiful object. And this object is now worth US$50 dollars - as a nice piece of work of art.

Again, let's look at the Destructive cycle: As the person is a Strong Metal person, FIRE element can be used to MELT the strong metal. Here, FIRE is known as the person's POWER and AUTHORITY.

Thus, if a Strong Metal person work as e.g. a lawyer or in marketing or sales, (Fire element) then this is his/her power and authority element.

Yes, under Flying Star Feng Shui, the balcony of a condo can be activated. For example, if we draw a Flying Star pie chart. The pie lines can be extended outwards. And the balcony can come under one of the sectors.

Warmest Regards,


Dear Sir/Madam,

If an element is strong and you want to balance it, how do you decide which cycle to use- the productive, destructive or exhausative? Can you jump between cycles?

Also, is the balcony of a condominium part of the floor plan and can you activate that area of the house in general?

Thank you so much!

Love, Violet

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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