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Dear Master Lee,

I have an enquiry on the method in which the Gua Number ("Personal Number).

Please correct me if I am wrong in the calculation. For example, if I am born in 1971 after Li Chun. My Gua number is 2 or Trigram Kun.

The formula to calculate the Gua are:

For Male , Gua Number = 10 - X

where X is the sum of the last two digits of your birth year, added until you get a single digit.

so X = 7 + 1 = 8.

My question : Why is our Gua number determine using the Geogian calander with a baseline dated back 1971 years ago ? And adding the last 2 digit has somewhat dissociated the original quality of the year number (so that 8 has no correlation with 71)?

Should not we take a starting date from a change in government, for example, because a change in ruler, in general has an major impact on the lifestyle of its citizen ? (Example, from Ching Dynasty -


Interestingly, my Gua number is the same be it a free online Fengshui website in Canada, Australia and even PRC or book published from FengShui Master.

Another question : Howin ancienttime does people calculate the Gua ? According to the chinese almanc, the most recent baseline isat AD1949 (China come under a new regime).

I just started reading up on Fengshui Principle only last Saturday. If there is a previous posting on this matter please help to direct the link.

Thank you.



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Dear Anon,

There are currently 3 formula available to calculate the Gua Number:-

Method 1

Male Calculation

- Subtract the last two numbers of your year of birth from 100 and divide by 9.

- The remainder is the number of your Gua.

- If there is no remainder, you should take the Gua number 9.

For Example: Born in 1970,

100 - 70 = 30

30 divided by 9 = 3 remainder 3

Your Gua number is 3

Females Calculation

- Subtract 4 from the last two numbers of your year of birth and divide by 9.

- The remainder is the number of your Gua.

- If there is no remainder you should take the Gua number 9.

For Example: Born in 1970

70 - 4 = 66

66 divided by 9 = 7 remainder 3

Your Gua number is 3

Method 2

Male Calculation

- Take the year of birth

- Add the last two digits to get a single number

- Deduct from 10.

For Example: Born in 1970

7 + 0 = 7

10 - 7 = 3

Your Gua number is 3

Female Calculation

- Take the year of birth

- Add the last two digits to get a single number

- Add 5 to this single number

- Add the two digits to a single number. This will be your Gua no.

For Example: Born in 1970

7 + 0 = 7

5 + 7 = 12 ; 1 + 2 = 3

Your Gua number is 3

Method 3

Male Calculation

- Take the year of birth

- Add all four digits to get a single number

- Deduct from 11.

For Example: Born in 1970

1 + 9 + 7 + 0 = 17; 1 + 7 = 8

11 - 8 = 3

Your Gua number is 3

Female Calculation

- Take the year of birth

- Add all four digits to get a single number

- Add 4 to this single number

- Add the two digits to a single number. This will be your Gua no.

For Example: Born in 1970

1 + 9 + 7 + 0 = 17; 1 + 7 = 8

4 + 8 = 12 ; 1 + 2 = 3

Your Gua number is 3

    As you can see all three methods (1, 2 & 3) can be used to find out the Gua number and get the same results.

    Please note that the above two methods of calculations also apply for those born in the year 2000 or ending with 00. Except there is a change in the constant value every century.

    Method 1 Constant Value for year 2000, for Male is 99 instead of 100, while for Female is -3 instead of -4.

      Calculating Method 1 Male constant value change.
      eg. 1900. Take 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 (the 19 century) add it to value 101. (101 - [21+9+10=1+0=1]) = 99.
      eg. 2000. Take 2 + 0 (the 20 century) add it to value 101. (101 - [2+0]) = 99.
      eg. 2100. Take 2 + 1 (the 21 century) add it to value 101. (101 - [2+1]) = 98.

      Calculating Method 1 Female constant value change.
      eg. 1900. Take 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 (the 19 century) add it to value -5. ([1+9=10=1+0=1] - 5) = -4.
      eg. 2000. Take 2 + 0 (the 20 century) add it to value -5. ([2+0] - 5) = -3.
      eg. 2100. Take 2 + 1 (the 21 century) add it to value -5. ([2+1] - 5) = -2.

    Method 2 Constant Value for year 2000, for Male is 9 instead of 10, while for Female is 6 instead of 5.

      Calculating Method 2 Male constant value change.
      eg. 1900. Take 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 (the 19 century) add it to value 11. (11 - [1+9=10=1+0=1]) = 10.
      eg. 2000. Take 2 + 0 (the 20 century) add it to value 11. (11 - [2+0]) = 9.
      eg. 2100. Take 2 + 1 (the 21 century) add it to value 11. (11 - [2+1]) = 8.

      Calculating Method 2 Female constant value change.
      eg. 1900. Take 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 (the 19 century) add it to value 4. (4 + [1+9=10=1+0=1]) = 5.
      eg. 2000. Take 2 + 0 (the 20 century) add it to value 4. (4 + [2+0]) = 6.
      eg. 2100. Take 2 + 1 (the 21 century) add it to value 4. (4 + [2+1]) = 7.

    Method 3 No change is necessary.


So far you have been working on method 2. Both method 1 and 2 are flawed in the sense that it only works for those born in 1900-1999. As the constant is for male is 10. But this constant value has to be change very century. So it is not an efficient calculation method to use.

You should instead opt for method 3 which will no further constant modifier is necessary for every change in century.

Anonymous wrote:
My question : Why is our Gua number determine using the Geogian calander with a baseline dated back 1971 years ago ? And adding the last 2 digit has somewhat dissociated the original quality of the year number (so that 8 has no correlation with 71)?

As mentioned above, method 1 and 2 are method that requires you to change the constant every century. So they are flawed.

The gua number is actually determined from your lunar calendar. But since both calendar is based on year to year changes. So the only difference lies in that you first need to ensure that you are taking your LUNAR YEAR of birth instead of GREGORIAN YEAR.

The formula is derived from knowing how to find the common factor to allow you to determine the gua number from any specific year. That you can based on any mathematical formula to find the constant value that will work for all years. That is how method 3 was derived. In fact, that is also how method 1 and 2 were worked out. Just that, when method 1 and 2 was worked out, the method assumes that you are calculating for people born in that century only. That is all.

To be frank, with a chinese alamac (tung shu), this information is found there already, so no need for most of the people in the past to have to claculate it. But in modern day, most people are able to derive the constant to be able to easily calculate the gua rather than looking up in the tung shu. So these method were derived.

Don't you agree that with such a formula, you don't need to have to refer to the tung shu? So that is how these method came into being the default method for calculating the Gua.

Anonymous wrote:
Another question : Howin ancienttime does people calculate the Gua ? According to the chinese almanc, the most recent baseline isat AD1949 (China come under a new regime).

The same princple applies.Even in ancient chinese, there are very wise and learned man that are able to calculate changes in stars etc. So such method of calculation are most likely available. Just that they will not be mathematically recorded. Instead, they will probably use like a chinese verse or poem to remember some form of rules in calculating these changes. Also, the luopan contains also many method of determining many calculations just by adjusting the rings accordingly. So in the past usually it is some verse or tools that help them determine these calculation.

In modern days, we use mathematical formula to be able to easily calculate it. As long as the formula used is correct, there is really no issue to calculate any date even in the ancient or in the present time.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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