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Hi Master,

I'm currently staying at my brother's place, and have recently gotten my new house and hadit done up, etc already. I stay at my new place only over the weekends (cos haven't customary wedding yet), while I spend most of my time at my brother's place. Just wondering, If my brother's place has very bad Fengshui (or is bad based on my ba-zi), while my new house has ok fengshui, how will my luck be affected? Will my luck be baddue to me spending the majority of my time at my brother's place, as compared to if I stay majority of thetime at my new place?

Thanks and Best Regards

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Dear Lawrence,

Lawrence Lim wrote:
I'm currently staying at my brother's place, and have recently gotten my new house and hadit done up, etc already. I stay at my new place only over the weekends (cos haven't customary wedding yet), while I spend most of my time at my brother's place. Just wondering, If my brother's place has very bad Fengshui (or is bad based on my ba-zi), while my new house has ok fengshui, how will my luck be affected? Will my luck be baddue to me spending the majority of my time at my brother's place, as compared to if I stay majority of thetime at my new place?

Feng Shui cannot be operated by remote control. This means that the house or place you stay is where your luck will come from.

Since you spend most of your time at your brother's place, that house's luck will have most impact on you. Since you stay in your new house only during the weekends, it is not considered more a temporary location just like if you check into a hotel.

Only when you stay in the new house most of your time after you move it, then your luck will come from your new home.

Lawrence Lim wrote:
If my brother's place has very bad Fengshui (or is bad based on my ba-zi), while my new house has ok fengshui, how will my luck be affected? Will my luck be baddue to me spending the majority of my time at my brother's place, as compared to if I stay majority of thetime at my new place?

As for whether your brother's house will affect you, depends on whether the room you stay in currently, is it favourable for you or not. As you are not the breadwinner of your brother's house, you are considered only an occupant or part of the family member that stays in the house.

So the room that you stay in is what will affect whether it is good or bad for you. So if you stay in room falling under your prosperity sector of the house, then it is favourable for you.

The flying star which affects all occupants of the house. As long as any bad sector is corrected, then you will not be too adversely impacted by it. If not even if the room is suitable for you, but if the Qi of the house is bad, then you will of course be influenced by it.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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