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Good day sir! I'm currently living w/ my in-laws I'm just wondering whythey kept on fighthing most of the time theres no harmonious in this house everyone has misunderstanding....I'm thinking about something wrong w/ this house...it could be a house number or the house itself???I mean the construction and the location???? my husband told me that it all started when they moved in this house,,,I worried itmay affect my family too, since we are staying here..I dont want to live like his parents,,,my father in-lawstill cheating but mother in-law just keep on nagging...Is there anything I can do to curethose bad things happening here,,I dont wanna be a victim....hope you can give me any advise.Any comment are greatly appreciated.Thank you!!!

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Dear Anon,

It is best to get professional help or for those who know how to draw a proper Flying Star chart; should check for #3.

Usually, if star #3 is present in e.g. the master bedroom, then there can be substantial number of quarrels for the husband and wife.

If it involves the entire family usually, #3 could be at the frontage of the home or such a star(s) could be located in the living room.

Warmest Regards,

Quote:Anonymous wrote:
Good day sir! I'm currently living w/ my in-laws I'm just wondering whythey kept on fighthing most of the time theres no harmonious in this house everyone has misunderstanding....I'm thinking about something wrong w/ this house...it could be a house number or the house itself???I mean the construction and the location???? my husband told me that it all started when they moved in this house,,,I worried itmay affect my family too, since we are staying here..I dont want to live like his parents,,,my father in-lawstill cheating but mother in-law just keep on nagging...Is there anything I can do to curethose bad things happening here,,I dont wanna be a victim....hope you can give me any advise.Any comment are greatly appreciated.Thank

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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