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Dear Anon,

1. The general consensus amongst the majority of Feng Shui practitioners is as you had mentioned "place our bed,with the headboardpointing at ourfavourable direction ".

2. This is often the most commonly practised method of defining the above. Thus the saying "head first, not legs first".

3. This saying "head first, not legs first" also associated with the Chinese belief that if we need to bring e.g. a person using a stretcher out of a home or bedroom, we should bring his "head first, not legs, first". Legs first implies bring out a coffin or coffin, position.

4. Of course, there are a FEW Feng Shui practitioners who say that favourable direction is opposite to what I had mentioned under Para 1. The rationale, these practitioners feel that "we should face" our good directions eg. literally facing the good direction (especially when we sit up in the bed). But do we sleep in a sitting position? Yes/No.

5. Thus, as mentioned, above, the consensus by many Feng Shui practitioner is to sleep with our heads facing a good direction. And when we sit, we should face our good direction. Since we often sleep quite "flat" on the bed, head first.

Warmest Regards,

Quote:Anonymous wrote:
Hi I am new here.Can you please advise if we shouldplace our bed,with the headboardpointing at ourfavourable direction orto wake up facingour favourable direction ie. legs facing? Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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