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Edited by Robert: Server Upgrade has already been completed on 22 Oct 2006.

I have spent sometime testing all major areas of the website. There were a few minor issues we discovered through our testing and corrected it.I also took this opportunity to clean up and optimise the pages for even faster loading.

So far as at 1 Nov 2006 everything is working properly and are running on our new servers with increased bandwidth,performance & security.

Feel free to contact support@geomancy.net should you encounter any issues. Meanwhile, we will continue towork on further improvements to make the site even better.

Dear Users,

Thank you very much for your continued support. Our website has experienced tremendous growth over the years.

So we are further upgrading our servers toensure that there is sufficient capacity and processing power to allow users be able to enjoy our site. Several new Dual Core Opteron servers with faster processor, increasedstorage space,latest firewall technology are almost ready to be deployed. Theservers are in the final stages of extensive testing before we officially deploy themnext week.

We do not foresee any major disruption or downtime as we will seemlessly transfer the server from the old server to the new server.

Thank you for your continued support!

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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