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I was born in Asia but i moved to somewhere else and the times are different. Should i apply the dates found in the Auspicous dates finder according to the time and date of the place i am living in right now or the time and date of the place i was born in (so a day might start at 1 pm here, if it is midnight where i was born) I'm confused because all the ba zi reading and auspicous dates are connected with my date of birth, but since as i moved, the date and time of the place is different, but it doesn't mean i lived more or less than i would have lived if i stayed where i was born.
Thank you
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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
I was born in Asia but i moved to somewhere else and the times are different. Should i apply the dates found in the Auspicous dates finder according to the time and date of the place i am living in right now or the time and date of the place i was born in (so a day might start at 1 pm here, if it is midnight where i was born) I'm confused because all the ba zi reading and auspicous dates are connected with my date of birth, but since as i moved, the date and time of the place is different, but it doesn't mean i lived more or less than i would have lived if i stayed where i was born. Thank you

Actually, the problem is that the more you want to add in the time zone or make it more accurate by factoring the location factor etc, the more complex the analysis and thus you are actually more likely to make it less accurate than without factoring all these considerations.

In fact, from our experience, most of the timezone or location factors are really not necessary. Just use the normal local timezone, that will be enough.

Most of the time, most ba zi analysis for example focuses more on the YEAR and MONTH pillar to come out with the forecast. Most forecast will go at most to daily forecast. Anymore and it won't be accurate or easy to forecast due to the fact that the daily and hourly changes which are always changing.

In fact, when we want to choose auspicious timing, rather than look at a personal luck forecast, we often find that the more practical is to go for the auspicious sounding ie 8.38 or 8.39 or 9.38 or 9.39 etc. This are much more practical than going for thesuitable timing which may be like 3-5am etc whichis not practical for say wedding or move-in etc.

Soreally, the start of the day you should just take the start ofthe day from the local time. Nomodifications needed.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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