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Dear Professor Cecil:

I have bought a condo apartment (2nd/3rd floor)that was completely renovated in 2006

* new texture and paint on the walls, new kitchen cabinets and appliances, turn down and total renovation ofbathroom (new sink, new toilet, new bathtub, new tile floors in all the apartment. The only thing kept as is were the door and windows, and the A/C unit.

I knew that in 1992 a fire destroyed the 4 buildings where my apartment is located that are attached to each other, leaving only the exterior walls standing, and the apartments were completely rebuilt.

The buildings were originally built in 1971 along with another 3 building section that is also part of the same community.

Which year can I considered for the age of my apartment?


Andrew, Miami, FL

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Dear Andrew,

Andrew Leon wrote:
I knew that in 1992 a fire destroyed the 4 buildings where my apartment is located that are attached to each other, leaving only the exterior walls standing, and the apartments were completely rebuilt.

Based on this information, your building even though it was built in 1971 is rebuilt in 1992. Which means that the buildingwas confirmed to be converted to period 7 (1984-2003).

Andrew Leon wrote:
I have bought a condo apartment (2nd/3rd floor)that was completely renovated in 2006

Andrew Leon wrote:
* new texture and paint on the walls, new kitchen cabinets and appliances, turn down and total renovation ofbathroom (new sink, new toilet, new bathtub, new tile floors in all the apartment. The only thing kept as is were the door and windows, and the A/C unit.

From your own individual apartment renovation. You would have converted your own apartment to a period 8 (2004-2023). As you painted the walls and re-tile the files and did a renovation of the bathroom. So it should be enough to fly the house to period 8.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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